I have talked about how realtors can get a good Google rank by opting out the IDX indexing and how you can lock more real estate leads via Facebook. In this series of blogs, this is the third one on lead generation ideas for realtors. Now, apart from good Google rank and Facebook, here are the other things you can do to generate more real estate leads online.
Trusted relationship is a must for any lead generation. Each point in the following list consists based on a trusted relationship with your lead. I have divided this article into two sections one: channels/mediums where I have listed the best real estate lead generation channels such as your own website and Facebook as discussed in the previous blogs. Second: The Material where I have talked about the best marketing material for generating good real estate leads.
Let’s begin with Lead Generation Channels/Mediums
1. Email Marketing
An extremely efficient lead generation channel that can keep you busy tracking the leads for; selling products; offering services; downloading eBook, attending a webinar, repeat customers; updating current customers and much more. Trust me! Email marketing is deeper than you think. I will be covering a detailed piece only on Email Marketing so you can understand it better and make full out of it. So, whenever you see and option email marketing to generate more real estate leads, just hit the YES button.

2. Referral Systems
Referral systems are other beneficial mediums to get leads. You spend only on the lead you get. It becomes the duty of the third-party to promote their channel to give you potential leads. There are hundreds of referral channels running online. The limitation here is that referral is not beneficial for all types of leads. Mostly the referral systems are used to get more sales leads. So, if the campaign is sales focused, you should definitely go for referral systems to generate real estate leads.
3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing
What 100 advertisements can do for you are what one loyal customer does – That’s the power of building and maintaining good relations with clients/customers. Delight your customers for being your customer so that they remember you whenever there’s a chat going on for finding a good realtor. That’s how it’s done. Half of the job is done here as the client who comes to via word-of-mouth marketing already knows that you do good work.

4. Events
Online or physical events, both are recommended here. For a realtor, an exhibition on available properties such as “Condos for sale in Vancouver” would do the job. Put an exciting offer that if the property is booked or the booking amount is paid during the exhibition time, then the customer will get n% discount. Now, to get that discount, the customers who have made the decision of buying or near to making that decision will book the available properties. Realtors can even conduct a survey in the exhibition for potential buyers. You may or may not get sales, but you’ll definitely get a lead on which you can work on in and turn it into a sales client.
5. Unconverted Leads
One misses his shot on the property and the other buys it. By keeping a good insight of the market, tracking what’s going on and who’s getting what you can know who couldn’t get the property they wanted. Once you have that data, you can work on the leads that didn’t convert for others. They are Hot Metal for you so hit them with your sales hammer. Use your best skills to bring them on your side. Get a property ready for such clients. Give them what they couldn’t get from your competitor.

6. All Social Media Channels
Remember what I shared about Real Estate Lead Generation on Facebook. You can do the same on Twitter, Linkedin, and even on Pinterest. Pinterest is an image sharing site and what better way to show a property to the people. Click a picture of the available property, tweet it, upload it on Pinterest, Linkedin and share it with your targeted audience. You can even run a paid ad of the post. On Linkedin, create a real estate group for your locality just like I told you to do on Facebook. Read my previous blog to know how things are to be done on Facebook. You can do those in similar fashion on other social media channels by following that social media channel’s protocols.
7. Q&A Websites
The most popular Q&A website is Quora. It is where people ask questions to get answers. All the real estate related questions are your target audience. Regularly answering questions on Quora related to your business niche will build your reputation in the community. There are other forum websites that work in the similar format. Track them down and build your reputation as a realtor. If someone from your locality has asked questions that can become your potential lead in future.

Now that I have covered the mediums or channels to generate more real estate leads, it’s time to discuss the marketing material you need to put online to grab some hot real estate leads.
1. Industry Research Videos
Dig deep for this or use your own analytical skills to prepare some forecasting videos, data reporting videos. People love authentic data and they love forecasting done by an expert based on the analytical data. Make two versions of this video – A full version and a smaller version. Keep the smaller version for free, don’t reveal too much in that video. And, at the end of the small video, tell people to subscribe or have the short video placed on the landing page and encourage people to watch the full video by filling out the required information in the form. In the beginning, you can keep the full version free. See how it goes, share it on social media and see people who liked or commented on your video.

2. eBooks
The biggest advantage of the ebooks is that people can save it and read it in their free time. Here also, keep the introduction of the ebook or the introduction of the each chapter in the ebook for free. Have landing page and a form for them to fill to get the full version. In the ebook, solve a complex problem the real estate industry is facing, offer them a solution to the most common real estate problem, and tell them what they are missing. Information that helps the reader is always popular among people.
3. Newsletters
Sharing is caring- If you know some important news, make sure you tell that first to the people via a newsletter. If the real estate property prices are going to rise or fall, tell this to the people via a newsletter and encourage people to subscribe to get the latest news from you. If there’s nothing much to share, just mention the offer or discount you are giving or any event you are organizing. The goal here is to keep the supply of your newsletter up and running for your contacts.

4. Infographics
Infographics are an interesting way to tell any process, story, or tips in a pictorial representation. It delivers the information quicker than an article or blog, but it takes more time to make an infographic than writing and article or a blog. As they are quick to grab and understand, they are more shared. You can offer a step by step solution to a particular problem in the infographics. A good infographic will also help in increase the ranking in the image search results.
5. Powerpoint Slides
Thanks to Slideshare, now acquired by Linkedin, the slide representation is back in the game. It not only offers a great way to represent your story or message but also helps in increasing your website’s rank. SEO executives use it as a regular practice in Off-page search engine optimization techniques. You can support your content in Powerpoint slides with graphical representations, charts, and images. You can also publish it the same way you publish your ebook. Tell people to fill a form to get the full version of the powerpoint presentation.
If not on Slideshare, you can have a landing page designed for it and encourage people to download it by filling a form.

Regardless of the marketing material, you are working on, make sure your content tone is enticing for the audience, the reader should have an idea what will be in the ppt presentation, ebook, video or newsletter.
In the next blog, I’ll be sharing tips to handle the generated leads.