You are not the only one in the real estate market serving the people with better services. The real question is what makes you different from the others? Answering this one question can open doors of opportunities for you This can be your key to success that was...
The best part of negotiations in the real estate industry is that every negotiation is unique. Clients’ preferences, sellers, budget, and choice of properties are different in different deals. A sharp realtor is always ready for what lies ahead of him. In any...
With new innovations, the marketing environment is getting more complex for some. For the rest, it is getting simplified. Realtors, who are not initiated to these marketing tactics, do find these tasks complex. But, I am here, happy to help. I’ve been sharing...
Link building has been dead for years – say the people who fail to adapt to the changes and don’t leverage the link building for the lead generation. In the previous blogs, I have shared the tactics to reach out to your target audience. Today, I will share the...
So far, I have shared with you how to generate leads using various channels, how to manage leads in the marketing and sales process, how to nurture leads and how to avoid mistakes in your lead generation process. Today’s blog is based on one topic and one topic only...